December 22 is Winter solstice (Wintersonnenwende), we say “Toji (冬至)” in Japanese.
Toji (冬至) literally means winter reach, and actually means winter solstice. It is the time when the day time is the shortest
and the night time is the longest in the northern hemisphere. In Japan we have a custom to take Yuzu-Yu (柚子湯), a bath with Yuzu (柚子), a kind of Japanese aromatic citrus and eat pumpkin "KABOCHA" in Japanese on Toji.
Each Kabocha and Yuzu contains for rich of vitamin A, citric acid and vitamin C. If we eat Kabocha and take Yuzu-Yu on the Toji,
a day of cold winter, is said you won't get a cold.
It is available to get a Japanese cultivate pampkin “Hokkaido” in the market here in Germany. But, it's not possible to get a Yuzu…. So, I wonder if I should take a Lemon or Lime bath??? Well, do you have any customs on winter solstice?