Tsuyu, Japan's annual rainy season, mainly takes place in the month of June. The continuous days of rain and grey skies might be depressing, this year even more under the impact of COVID 19...
But, let's have a look!
Hydrangea draws people despite rainy day. June 9, 2020, it seemed like the perfect day for viewing the stunning hydrangea flowers-filled on the street. My sister sent me some pictures from Tokyo after a very long while. She regularly sent me a picture of flowers and natural scenery, especially cherry blossoms every spring. But no flower pictures came from her this year, due to "stay at home!"...
Though Japan hasn't seen explosive infection rates, but we are worried still coronavirus Warnings. The Tokyo Summer Olympics would be delayed by up to a year. There will continue to be various restrictions and constraints and our lifestyle will also change...
However, bright green leaves soaking up the early summer sunshine as usual. The start of the summer is just around the corner! We hope, everyone will continue to have healthy and peaceful days, and will enjoy the coming sommer season!
at HAKUSAN Shrine, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo