chopstick, cutlery rest

- MIno ware -

🔸waterline collection


napoleon fish

Chopstick rest / Cutlery rest 

"Betta Fish" & "Napoleon Fish", light blue


From the Waterline Collection by Miyama Corporation, a long-established Mino pottery producer.


These light blue celadon chopstick rests feature a motif of freshwater fish. The designers and craftsmen have paid close attention to detail, creating elaborate modeling and reliefs. The fishes appear to be swimming freely on the table. The clean light blue celadon also matches the motif.

Essstäbchenablage / Besteckablage 

"Betta-Fisch" & "Napoleon-Fisch", hellblau


Es ist Teil der "Waterline"-Kollektion von Miyama, einem beliebten Minoyaki-Geschirrhersteller aus der Präfektur Gifu.


Die saubere celadonblaue Besteckablage ist ein Motiv einer Süßwasserfischart. Die Designer und Kunsthandwerker haben viel Liebe zum Detail bewiesen und aufwendige Modellierungen und Reliefs geschaffen. Die Fische scheinen frei auf dem Tisch zu schwimmen. Zum Motiv passt auch der saubere hellblaue Seladon.

☆ Chopstick/Cutlery rest - Water line collection

 Variation: "BETTA FISH" and "NAPOLEON FISH"


【contents / Inhalt】   1 pc / 1 St.

【material / Material】   porcelain / Porzellan (Mino ware) 

【size (approx.) / Maße (ca.)】

        BETTA FISH: L. 65 mm × D. 45 mm × H. 15 mm,   25 g

        NAPOLEON FISH: L. 75 mm x 40 mm x H. 15 mm,  30 g   

【origin / Herkunft】   Mino (Gifu), Japan 

*dishwasher safe / Spülmaschinen geeignet



7,90 €

  • Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage *1 / Shipping 2-3 working days *1





Mino-yaki is produced in the Mizunami, Tajimi, Toki, and Kani regions of Gifu prefecture with a 1300-year history. Mino ware accounts for over 50 percent of Japanese ceramics now. 


As “the way of tea” gained popularity about 400 years ago, craftsmen in Mino began producing artistic tea utensils. Shino 志野 (white and textured), Kizeto 黄瀬戸 (yellow ocher), Oribe 織部  (green pattern over light gray base) and Setoguro 瀬戸黒 (black) are representative of these crafts. Now, 15 types of Mino ware are government-recognized traditional crafts of Japan. 


Nowadays, there are many manufacturers of Mino ware, with factories producing large numbers of these fine ceramics. A side variety of ceramics, including tableware, tiles, and tools are produced by inheriting the techniques of the past and being challenged to create new technologies for the future. Mino ware’s long history and high quality makes it a prime example of Japanese ceramics and an excellent addition to any collection.