BENTO box & accessories

Japanese BENTO box has a long history of over 400 years as a meal carrying instrument. Nowadays, it's known both in Japan and abroad, they're the popular, compartmentalized containers filled with rice, vegetables, meat and more, eaten by kids and grownups alike.




Originally, natural bamboo bark and leaves were used to cover and carry food, to keep it fresh and to protect it from bacteria. Most of them were disposable. In the earliest records of packed lunches in Japan, people typically carried around dried rice (called “kareii”), which was eaten either in its dried state, or after being rehydrated with cold or hot water.


During the Edo era, under the Sankin Kotai "alternate attendance" system, Daimyo (feudal lords) were obligated to alternate their residences on a regular basis between Edo and their domain. Thanks to this system, many samurai travelled throughout Japan, bringing many creative bento boxes along with them.


Another factor that contributed to the popularization of bento boxes is Japanese classical theatre, such as Kabuki, Kyogen and Bunraku. Because these acts were quite long, people ate bento during the intermission, creating the term .“Makunouchi Bento”(between act-bento). Therefore, bento is said to have derived its name from the fact that the audience ate it during intermission.

Magewappa - Wooden Bento Box

  * Traditional Japanese wooden Bento Box for Bento connoisseurs!


1-Tier, 700ml

EUR 47,90


1-Tier, 700ml

EUR 58,90  - sold out-

"KOI-Carp, Suriurushi"

1-Tier, 700ml

EUR 42,90





1-Tier, 700ml

EUR 41,90 - sold out-


1-Tier, 400ml

EUR 40,90

"Vermilion Red" SLIM

2-Tier, 700ml

EUR 58,50

Jubako Bento box "usagi karakusa"

  * Japanese large containers for special lunches, parties and events! By plastic with Yamanaka coating.


colour: black/red  EUR 93,95

Plastic Bento Box

 * well designed, easy to maintain! 

Available in a wide range of colours, from one-tier, two-tier, small to large capacity. You can also find perfect matching cutlery- and chopstick-sets for carrying with bento-box.  


Find your favourite Bento box! 


* Hervorragendes Design, leicht zu pflegen!

Erhältlich in einer großen Auswahl an Farben, von einstöckigen, zweistöckigen, kleinen bis großen Kapazitäten. Sie können auch perfekt passende Besteck- und Essstäbchen-Sets zum Tragen mit Bento-Boxen finden.


Finden Sie Ihre Lieblings-Bento-Box!




1-Tier, 480ml

EUR 27,95


1-Tier, 500ml

EUR 25,95


1-Tier, 800ml

EUR 30,80  - sold out-





"SAKURA Wood Grain" slim

2-Tier, 560ml

EUR 25,60  - sold out-

"FUKURO" owl/Eule 

2-Tier, 580ml

EUR 29,90 

"Akane-Sakura" slim

2-Tier, 840ml

EUR 37,50 




"Wappa Wood Tone"  NEW!!

2-Tierr, 900ml

EUR 33,90 


2-Tier, 1000ml

EUR 33,90 




Bento Accessory - Zubehör für Bento

Carrying your own chopsticks is becoming quite popular today.

The practice is called “My Hashi (my chopsticks)”. It helps to preserve forests, avoiding to use throwing away disposal chopsticks. And eating with your favorite chopsticks makes each meal more special and delicious. 

Heutzutage ist es sehr beliebt, seine eigenen Essstäbchen mitzunehmen. Dieser Brauch wird "My Hashi" genannt. Es hilft, Wälder zu schützen und vermeidet die Verwendung von Einweg-Essstäbchen. Außerdem macht das Essen mit den eigenen Stäbchen jede Mahlzeit zu etwas Besonderem und Köstlichem.

🔸Portable case for cutlery

* SET incl. chopsticks, spoon and fork

EUR 24,95 




🔸Portable case for chopsticks

* case & chopsticks SET




🔸Portable bag

EUR 14,90   - SOLD OUT