【 Product Type: Yunomi, Mino-yaki ware 】
The elegant Yunomi teacup and saucer are both made of warm pottery, and decorated with a feminine cherry blossom design.
This is a traditional Mino-yaki product from Gifu Prefecture, which boasts a large share of the pottery market in Japan.
The capacity of the cup is slightly larger at about 220 ml, so it can be used as a dessert bowl. The saucer plate is impressive in itself and fits together perfectly.
Die elegante Yunomi-Teetasse und Untertasse sind mit einem femininen Kirschblüten-Design auf warmem Töpferei verziert. Dies ist ein traditionelles Mino-Yaki Produkt aus der Präfektur Gifu, das einen großen Anteil am japanischen Keramikmarkt hat.
Das Fassungsvermögen der Tasse beträgt ca. 220ml und ist etwas größer gehalten, so dass sie auch als Dessertschüssel geeignet ist. Die Untertassenplatte beeindruckt an sich und passt perfekt zusamen. Auch für Süßigkeiten wie Kekse geeignet.
【 volume / Volumen 】
ca. 220 ml
【 size (approx.) / Maße (ca.) 】
(cup / Tasse ) Φ 10 x H. 7 cm
(saucer / Unterteller) L. 14,5 x B. 13,5 x H. 2,5 cm
【 weight (approx.)) / Gewicht (ca.) 】
(Total ) 460 g
【 material / Material 】
pottery / Töpferei (Mino ware)
【 Artisan 】
【 origin / Herkunft 】
Aichi, Japan
- Do not use in a microwave oven.
- Hand-washing is recommended for keeping long-lasting.
- Nicht in der Mikrowelle verwenden.
- Handwäsche wird empfohlen, damit sie länger hält.
25,95 €
inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten
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Mino-yaki is produced in the Mizunami, Tajimi, Toki, and Kani regions of Gifu prefecture with a 1300-year history. Today, Mino ware accounts for over 50 percent of Japanese ceramics.
As “the way of tea” gained popularity about 400 years ago, craftsmen in Mino began producing artistic tea utensils. Shino 志野 (white and textured), Kizeto 黄瀬戸 (yellow ocher), Oribe 織部 (green pattern over light gray base) and Setoguro 瀬戸黒 (black) are representative of these crafts. Now, 15 types of Mino ware are government-recognized traditional crafts of Japan.
Nowadays, there are many manufacturers of Mino ware, with factories producing large numbers of these fine ceramics. A side variety of ceramics, including tableware, tiles, and tools are produced by inheriting the techniques of the past and being challenged to create new technologies for the future. Mino ware’s long history and high quality makes it a prime example of Japanese ceramics and an excellent addition to any collection.